EJ Screen Traffic Proximity

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The traffic proximity indicator is based on AADT count divided by distance in meters from the Census block centroid. The proximity score is based on the traffic within a search radius of 500 meters (or further if none is found … Continued

EJ Screen Lead Paint Exposure

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The lead paint indicator is the percentage of occupied housing units built before 1960, calculated from the U.S. Census Bureau’s ACS 5-year summary estimates on age of housing stock. EJScreen uses age of housing stock as a surrogate for potential … Continued

EJ Screen Superfund Proximity

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The Superfund proximity indicator is reflective of the total count of sites proposed and listed (final) on the National Priorities List (NPL) in each block group within 5 km of the average resident in a block group, divided by distance, … Continued

EJ Screen PM 2.5

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The PM 2.5 indicator is a measure of potential exposure to inhalable particles that are 2.5 micrometers or smaller. This is measured in terms of annual average concentration in air measured in micrograms per cubic meter. PM 2.5 information included … Continued

EJ Screen Ozone

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The ozone indicator in EJScreen reflects potential ozone exposure measured in terms of summer seasonal daily average maximum concentrations in an 8-hour period measured in parts per billion. Ozone information included in EJScreen highlights areas across the U.S. that are … Continued

Air Toxics – Non-Cancer Risk by Census Tract

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Layer displays the modelled non-cancer risk associated with air toxics exposure. A hazard index (HI) of 1 or lower means air toxics are unlikely to cause adverse noncancer health effects over a lifetime of exposure.

Brownfield Sites

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Layer displays the locations of brownfield sites based on the September 2013 version of the EPA Assessment, Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES) database.

EPA RSEI Score, 2019

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This layer displays RSEI score by county. A RSEI Score is a unitless value that accounts for the size of the chemical release, the fate and transport of the chemical through the environment, the size and location of the exposed … Continued