Full-Service Restaurants, Rate by County, 2020
This layer displays the rate per 100,000 population and the total count of full-service restaurants for each county in 2020.
This layer displays the rate per 100,000 population and the total count of full-service restaurants for each county in 2020.
This layer displays the rate per 100,000 population and the total count of recreation and fitness facilities for each county in 2020.
This layer displays the rate per 100,000 population and the total count of beer, wine and liquor stores for each county in 2020.
This layer displays information regarding the locations and characteristics of SNAP authorized retailers across the US. Data has been updated to reflect stores accepting SNAP as of May 20, 2014.
This layer displays the locations of SNAP authorized retailers across the US. Data has been updated to reflect stores accepting SNAP as of May 15, 2016.
This layer displays the locations of SNAP authorized retailers across the US. Data has been updated to reflect stores accepting SNAP as of December 22, 2017.
This layer displays rates and counts of fast food and limited-service eating establishments in counties across the United States. Establishment counts are acquired from the 2016 County Business Patterns, released by the US Census Bureau in April and May 2018. … Continued
This layer displays the locations of SNAP authorized retailers across the US. Data has been updated to reflect stores accepting SNAP as of April, 2019.
This layer displays rates and counts of fast food and limited-service eating establishments in counties across the United States. Establishment counts are acquired from the 2017 County Business Patterns, released by the US Census Bureau in November and December, 2019. … Continued
This series includes the number of establishments, employment during the week of March 12, first quarter payroll, and annual payroll. This data is useful for studying the economic activity of small areas; analyzing economic changes over time; and as a … Continued