Students Eligible for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch

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This layer displays the total count and percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch of each school for SY 2020-21. Data are from the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD) Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey Data (2020-21).

Public Schools by Grade Level and Type

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This layer displays all public schools for SY 2020-21. Data are from the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD) Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey Data (2020-21). Also available map layers are: Public Elementary Schools Public Middle Schools Public High Schools … Continued

Gender Pay Gap

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This layer displays the ratio of women’s median earnings to men’s median earnings for all full-time, year-round workers, presented as “cents on the dollar.”

Chilcare Cost Burden

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This layer displays childcare costs for a household with two children as a percent of median household income.

Chilcare Centers

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This layer displays the number of childcare centers per 1,000 population under 5 years old.

Teen Birth Rates by County, 2020

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This layer displays estimated teen birth rates for age group 15–19 (expressed per 1,000 females aged 15–19) by county for the year 2020.

More map updates from the 2016-20 American Community Survey!

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Click the map link to view the latest estimates for the percentage of the population with any disability from the 2016-20 American Community Survey (ACS). Data are available for counties, ZIP Codes, census tracts, and other geographic areas.