Food Desert Census Tracts, 2019

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This layer displays the location of Food Deserts across the United States based on conditions in 2015. The Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) Working Group considers a food desert as a low-income census tract where a substantial number or share … Continued

Area Deprivation Index by Census Block Group

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The 2019 Area Deprivation Index is now available! The ADI map displays rankings of neighborhoods by socioeconomic status disadvantage in a region of interest (e.g. at the state or national level). It includes factors for the theoretical domains of income, … Continued

Food Desert Census Tracts, Change 2015-2019

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This layer displays the change in census tracts labeled as Food Deserts from 2015 to 2019. The Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) Working Group considers a food desert as a low-income census tract where a substantial number or share of … Continued

Low Food Access Population, 2019

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This layer displays the percentage and total population with Limited Food Access across the US. A population is defined as having limited food access if they are living more than 1 mile from a supermarket or large grocery store if … Continued

Income from Transfer Payments

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Layer displays information about personal income from transfer payments from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Local Area Personal Income data series. In personal income, transfer receipts are benefits received by persons for which no current services are performed. They … Continued

Rural Hospital Closures

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This layer displays the location of hospitals that no longer provide in-patient care in rural settings since 2005. Hospitals may have closed completely or converted to provide some other healthcare services.

Change in Resident Population

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This layer displays percent change in resident population for the 50 states, the Discrict of Columbia and Puerto Rico from 2010 to 2020. This data was released as part of the decennial census in April 2020. For more information visis … Continued

Residential Vacancies – 2021 Q4

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This layer displays residential vacancy rates and total residential vacancies in census tracts across the United States. Vacancy rates are reported quarterly.