SAMHSA-certified Opioid Treatment Programs

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This layer displays the locations of SAMHSA-certified Opioid Treatment Programs. Locations are obtained from the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator and are current as of February 8th, 2017.

Mental Health Treatment Facilities

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This layer displays locations and attributes for SAMHSA-certified mental health treatment facilities. Locations are obtained from the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator and are current as of February 8th, 2017.

County Health Rankings, 2017

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Data and maps from the 2017 County Health Rankings are now availble on Community Commons! Click the map below to view the rank and underlying data for Premature Death, or search for additional updates by searching the Map Room for … Continued

Multi-Family Assisted Housing

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Layer displays the approximate locations of Multifamily Assisted Housing properties that are monitored by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The three largest assistance programs for Multifamily housing are Section 8 (Project Based Assistance), Section 202 (Supportive … Continued

Cancer Incidence Rates by County, 2010-14

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Layer displays cancer incidence rates (all sites) per 100,000 population by state and county. Additional map layers from this update include incidence rates for breast cancer, colon and rectum cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer.

Violent Crimes per 100,000 Population

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This layer displays violent crime rates and totals across the United States. Crime totals and rates are multi-year estimates for the three year period 2012-2014.