Cancer Incidence – Lung ***PREM***
New maps and data are now available for the Cancer Incidence – Lung indicator from the State Cancer Profiles dataset. Data have been updated for the 2015-2019 reporting period, replacing data for 2014-2018.
New maps and data are now available for the Cancer Incidence – Lung indicator from the State Cancer Profiles dataset. Data have been updated for the 2015-2019 reporting period, replacing data for 2014-2018.
American Community Survey data for the 2017-21 five-year period has been processed and released! These updates replace previous indicator data from the 2016-2020 five-year period. New maps and data now available for population demographic and socioeconomic characteristics from the US … Continued
American Community Survey data for the 2017-21 five-year period has been processed and released! These updates replace previous indicator data from the 2016-2020 five-year period. New maps and data now available for population demographic and socioeconomic characteristics from the US … Continued
A calculation error was identified and corrected. Affected indicators: Physical Environment Road Network Density
New maps and data are now available for the Prevention – Core Preventative Services for Men (aged ≥ 65 years) indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2022. Data have been updated for the 2020 reporting period, replacing … Continued
New maps and data are now available for the Alcohol – Binge Drinking indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2022. Data have been updated for the 2020 reporting period, replacing data for 2019.
New maps and data are now available for the Chronic Conditions – Heart Disease (Adult) indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2022. Data have been updated for the 2020 reporting period, replacing data for 2019.
New maps and data are now available for the Cancer Screening – Mammogram (Adult) (mammography use among women aged 50-74 years within the last two years) indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2022. Data have been updated … Continued
New maps and data are now available for the Recent Primary Care Visit (annual checkup for adults) indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2022. Data have been updated for the 2020 reporting period, replacing data for 2019.
New maps and data are now available for the Poor or Fair Health indicator from the BRFSS PLACES dataset as released in 2022. Data have been updated for the 2020 reporting period, replacing data for 2019.