New indicator added to the CHNA platform!

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The National Risk Index (NRI) is an score which helps identify communities most at-risk for natural hazards. The NRI leverages available source data for 18 natural hazards, social vulnerability, and community resilience to develop a baseline relative risk measurement for … Continued

New maps and data for Park Access indicator.

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New data provided by the Center for Applied Research and Environmental Systems (CARES). Affected indicators: Physical Environment Park Access . Maps now available at the 2010 census tract level.

Area Deprivation Index – Data Update

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Data for the 2019 Area Deprivation Index (ADI) are now available! The ADI is a ranking of neighborhoods by socioeconomic status disadvantage in a region of interest (e.g. at the state or national level). It includes factors for the theoretical … Continued

New data! Data updated for hospital discharge indicators sourced from the California Office of Statewide Planning and Health (OSHPD) Public Patient Discharge Data files (CA Service Areas only).

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Data for survey years 2010-2011 acquired from OSHPD (replacing data for survey year 2010 alone). Improved data processing techniques now generate crude and age-adjusted discharge rates per 10,000 population for select patient conditions. Indicator tables continue to report condition-specific discharge … Continued

New Maps and data now available for water violations.

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This indicator displays the total number of drinking water violations recorded in a two year period. Health-based violations include incidents where either the amount of contaminant exceeded the maximum contaminant level (MCL) safety standard, or where water was not treated … Continued

Unemployment Rate

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Using the most current U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics release, unemployment rate data and maps have been updated to January 2021.