Unemployment Rate
Using the most current U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics release, unemployment rate data and maps have been updated to December 2020.
Using the most current U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics release, unemployment rate data and maps have been updated to December 2020.
Using the most current U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics release, unemployment rate data and maps have been updated to November 2020.
New data from the Census Bureau’s SAIPE program has been processed and released. New estimates are based on 2019 SNAP program data, replacing previous estimates which used 2018 program data. Affected Indicators: Social & Economic Factors Population Receiving SNAP Benefits
Incorrect figures were found in the raw data table controlling several indicators. These figures were first identified on Monday, January 28th, 2013. The errors have been corrected. Affected Indicators: Health Outcomes Cancer Mortality Heart Disease Mortality Homicide Stroke Mortality Suicide
Data for report years 2006-2010 acquired from the CDC WONDER query system (replacing data for survey year 2005-2009). Affected Indicators: Health Outcomes Cancer Mortality Heart Disease Mortality Homicide Stroke Mortality Suicide
Data for report years 2006-2010 acquired from the CDC WONDER query system. New Indicators: Health Outcomes Accident Mortality Lung Disease Mortality Homicide Stroke Mortality Suicide
Service area/multi-county area calculations updated to account for counties in which no data is reported. Reports generated earlier may include service area and multi-county area calculations that may incorrect. Affected indicators: Health Outcomes Population with Any Disability
Data for survey year 2005-2009 acquired from the NCI and CDC State Cancer Profiles website (replacing data for survey year 2004-2008). Estimates now available disaggregated by race or ethnicity. Affected indicators: Prostate Cancer Incidence
State-level mortality rates now queried directly from the CDC WONDER database (instead of summarized from county-level data) to provide more accurate estimates. The previous method was affected by data suppression in some states, resulting in inaccurate figures. Affected indicators: Cancer … Continued
Data for school year 2010-2011 released from NCES (replacing data for school year 2009-2010). County-level estimates now available. Affected indicators: Social & Economic Factors Free and Reduced Price Lunch Student Eligibility