Stroke Hospitalizations

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New maps and data now are available for the Stroke Hospitalizations indicator. Data have been updated for the 2015-2017 reporting period, replacing data for 2012-2014. Trends over time now available for three-year periods beginning with 2011-2013. Indicator breakouts by race … Continued

High School Graduation Rate, 2017-18 report indicator update

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New maps and data now available for High School Graduation Rate indicator. New estimates for the 2017-2018 school year were acquired from the US Department of Education (ED), replacing estimates from the previous school year. Trend-over-time and race/ethnicity breakouts are … Continued

Heart Disease Hospitalizations

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New maps and data now are available for the Coronary Heart Disease Hospitalizations indicator. Data have been updated for the 2015-2017 reporting period, replacing data for 2012-2014. Trends over time now available for three-year periods beginning with 2011-2013. Indicator breakouts … Continued

Readmissions for Heart Failure, 2015-2018

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New maps and data now are available for this indicator from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare dataset. Data have been updated for the 2015-2018 reporting period, replacing data for 2013-2016.

Readmissions for Pneumonia, 2015-2018

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New maps and data now are available for this indicator from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare dataset. Data have been updated for the 2015-2018 reporting period, replacing data for 2013-2016.

Timely and Effective Care – Elective Delivery, 2016-2018

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New maps and data now are available for this indicator from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Hospital Compare dataset. Data have been updated for the 2016-2018 reporting period, replacing data for 2013-2016.