Missouri Commuters

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This layer displays commuting connections between US Census Tracts. Each line represents a minimum of 20 commuters between any two tracts. Direction is not displayed, with the exception of commuters who live outside of the state of Missouri and commute … Continued

Missouri Community College Service Areas

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This layer displays the service areas for the various community colleges in the state of Missouri. Unlike in some states, Missouri’s community colleges are not a “system” with a centralized administration under one governing body. Instead, they are 12 separate … Continued

Missouri Apprenticeships

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This layer displays the location of various apprenticeship programs throughout the state of Missouri. Registered Apprenticeship is a highly flexible “earn while you learn” training model for employment that pays more as a worker (apprentice) reaches higher productivity levels. In … Continued

Missouri Labor Supply and Demand

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These layers display the gap in the percent of advertised jobs posted for an industry and the percent of jobseekers applying for positions in that industry. This analysis takes job seeker information from people who registered with jobs.mo.gov in 2016, … Continued

Average Farm Income

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This layer displays information about the characteristics of farms and ranches in the United States. Information is based on the US Department of Agriculture’s 2017 Census of Agriculture.

FCC Broadband Access

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This layer displays Broadband access information at the County, Tract, and Block Group Level as of June, 2019.

High-Speed Internet, Maximum Download Speeds

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This layer displays the maximum advertised download speed available from fixed internet (DSL, cable, fiber, etc.) and terrestrial/fixed wireless internet providers. Data are from the August, 2019 release of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Fixed Broadband Deployment Dataset and reflect … Continued

911 Service Areas

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911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) service area boundaries in the United States According to the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) is a facility equipped and staffed to receive 9-1-1 calls. The service area … Continued

Juvenile Court Referrals

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Data are collected from the Missouri Department of Social Services Child Abuse/Neglect Hotline Unit (CANHU). CANHU accepts confidential reports of suspected child abuse, neglect, or exploitation. Missouri’s toll-free number for reporting child abuse/neglect is 1-800-392- 3738. Mandated reporters can also … Continued