High-Speed Internet, Maximum Download Speeds

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This layer displays the maximum advertised download speed available from fixed internet (DSL, cable, fiber, etc.) and terrestrial/fixed wireless internet providers. Data are from the August, 2019 release of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Fixed Broadband Deployment Dataset and reflect … Continued

Earnings Income, 2019

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This layer displays information about earnings income by county. Per capita measures of income are calculated as the total component income of the residents of an area divided by the population of the area. Percentages are calculated by dividing the … Continued

Dividends, Interest, and Rent Income, 2019

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This layer displays information about dividends, interest, and rent income by county. Per capita measures of income are calculated as the total component income of the residents of an area divided by the population of the area. Percentages are calculated … Continued

Transfer Receipts Income, 2019

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This layer displays information about transfer receipt income by county. Per capita measures of income are calculated as the total component income of the residents of an area divided by the population of the area. Percentages are calculated by dividing … Continued

Proprietors Income, 2019

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This layer displays information about proprietor employment (or self employment) and income by county. Average measures of income are calculated as the total proprietor income of an area divided by the estimated number of proprietors within the area. Percentages are … Continued

Non-Farm Proprietors Income, 2019

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This layer displays information about non-farm proprietor employment (or self employment) and income by county. Average measures of income are calculated as the total proprietor income of an area divided by the estimated number of proprietors within the area. Percentages … Continued

National Risk Index

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The National Risk Index (NRI) is a dataset and an application that help identify communities most at-risk for natural hazards. The NRI leverages available source data for 18 natural hazards, social vulnerability, and community resilience to develop a baseline relative … Continued

COVID-19 Facility Hospitalizations

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This layer displays the number of COVID patients as a percent of overall patients admitted to a particular hospital. Hospitals are reporting admission information to the Department of Health and Human Services where it is compiled and released weekly. The … Continued

Diabetes Among Medicare Beneficiaries by County, 2018

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This layer displays the percentage of Medicare Beneficiaries with diabetes. The prevalence of chronic conditions among Medicare beneficiaries is based on Medicare insurance claims (for specific inpatient diagnosis or procedure codes) in 2018.