Access to Farmer’s Markets

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This layer displays the percentage of each county’s population (or low income population) living near a farmer’s market (defined as within a 3 mile radius in urban areas and a 10 mile radius in urban areas).

Uninsured Population by County

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Layer displays information about the insurance status of the population age 0-64. The data are from the 2013 Small Area Health Insurance Estimates, released by the US Census Bureau in March 2015.

Food Hubs

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Layer displays the location of Food Hubs across the US. Data was obtained from the USDA Local Food Directories on January 7, 2016

Summer Food Service Program Sites, January 2016

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This layer displays the location of Summer Food Service Program sites. The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded, state-administered program. The SFSP reimburses providers who serve healthy meals to children and teens in low-income areas at no charge … Continued

Lung Cancer Incidence Rates, 2008-12

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Layer displays lung cancer incidence rates per 100,000 population by state and county. Additional map layers from this update include incidence rates for breast, cervical, colon / rectum, and prostate cancer.

Food Insecurity Rate by County, 2013

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Layer displays updated food insecurity rates for US counties. Food insecurity refers to USDA’s measure of lack of access, at times, to enough food for an active, healthy life for all household members and limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally … Continued

SNAP Recipients by County, 2013

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This layer displays the percentage of population receiving SNAP benefits by county. Data are from the US Census Bureau 2014 Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates (SAIPE) dataset, released December 2015.

County Health Rankings, 2016

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Data and maps from the 2016 County Health Rankings are now available on Community Commons! Click the map below to view the rank and underlying data for Premature Death, or search for additional updates by searching the Map Room for … Continued

Opportunity Data – Labor Market Index

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The labor-market engagement index provides a summary description of the relative intensity of labor market engagement and human capital in a neighborhood. This is based upon the level of employment, labor force participation, and educational attainment in a census tract.